Studio Emerald
There is special attention to detail required when aquascaping a Nature Aquarium. The unique elements of this environment take a departure from the more common ideas woven into aquarium design. Revealing an ecosystem that blends both the mysterious synergies of nature and the art form that recreates them is what has made this style of aquarium so distinct. The Nature Aquarium has its own proportions- its own laws. To learn about them is inspiring. To implement them is rewarding.
At 225 gallons, the modern components of this Nature Aquarium balance the organic backdrop that fills this home office with emerald hues. The soothing patterns carved out by the captive bred discus create a mesmerizing atmosphere throughout the work day. An aquarium like this cannot be designed through a phone conversation. It is revealed through a series of engaging and creative brainstorming sessions that establish a blueprint for action and vision for success.
DESIGNED BY: Infinity Aquarium Design
CLASSIFICATION: Freshwater Planted (Nature Aquarium)
Design a Nature Aquarium that offered a unique display, unlike anything revealed in the hobby.
Create a healthy environment for captive-bred Discus and blend the design of the aquarium with the modern-farmhouse aesthetic common throughout the home.
• Custom acrylic rectangle- 72”L x 24”W x 30”H
• Local filtration system with complete remote monitoring system and advance leak detection
• Pendant LED lighting
• Wide variety of aquatic plants
• Captive-bred Discus
• Custom designed metalwork